I found Wide Sargasso Sea to be an interesting and enjoyable novel. Jean Rhys uses good language techniqes throughout the book to keep the reader entertained and exited. Compared to Jane Eyre, Wide Sargasso Sea makes for a great read.
The novel follows the life of a girl called Antoinette who is a quiet, reserved and beautiful Creole (white west indian) girl. The novel follows her life from when she is a child to when she gets married until the day that she dies. Antoinette has a very difficult life and this is shown all through the book. The man she marries, Edward Rochester does not love her but he just wants her money, her mother dies when she is small and Antoinette ends up going mad and commiting suicide.
The novel follows the life of a girl called Antoinette who is a quiet, reserved and beautiful Creole (white west indian) girl. The novel follows her life from when she is a child to when she gets married until the day that she dies. Antoinette has a very difficult life and this is shown all through the book. The man she marries, Edward Rochester does not love her but he just wants her money, her mother dies when she is small and Antoinette ends up going mad and commiting suicide.
Wide Sargasso Sea is set in the carribean and Rhys makes the book authentic with the use of carribean style speech. Word order is altered and spellings are changed so that the reader can really imagine how conversations in the book would sound. This makes the book much more interesting as it makes the story seem more real. The description Rhys uses in the novl also makes the book enjoyable. The way she describes the carribean really lets you imgine what it is like.
All in all, Wide Sargasso is a good, well written, enjoyable novel that makes for an exiting and inspiring read.
All in all, Wide Sargasso is a good, well written, enjoyable novel that makes for an exiting and inspiring read.
Can you elaborate on how you were inspired? Do you means in terms of reinforcing your views on racism or the treatment of women? or inspired by the power of the language?
Yes, the dialogue is effective as too is the description. Which bits particular impress you and why?
I agree with the comment you made about the authenticity of the novel. The use of creole styled language does make it seem more real. But what is is about JE that you dislike so much?
I like the way your review is very concise, yet brings across quite a lot of the story. Also, I found this a much better read than Jane Eyre as well...
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